
A successful Strategic Account Management programme draws to a close

Over the past several months, the joint team of from MAP Training and Customer Attuned have enjoyed working on the design and delivery of a development programme with the strategic account management team at Ecclesiastical Insurance UK. Combining our industry expertise at MAP Training with Dr Mark Hollyoake’s ground breaking doctoral research into how you can accelerate the development of trust as the […]

Welcome to FBD Insurance – our latest new client

We were delighted to spend some time in Dublin recently to work with a new client – FBD Insurance. We were asked to tailor and deliver our two day Portfolio Management training workshop – one of our core product offerings.

A different perspective

Anish Kapoor’s Cloud Gate sculpture in Chicago provides a very different perspective – mirroring exactly the different perspective we took in developing a new training programme in Portfolio Management for our client AXA XL.

Another successful engagement

We are delighted to have enjoyed another successful joint workshop with the team at AXA XL, this time in their offices in New York.

Invest in developing the capability of your people? Can you afford not to?

As an insurance leader, what would make you invest your time and budget in improving the capability of your staff? In this article we share some insights from discussions we have had with a number of senior insurance leaders over the past 12 months where they share what would make them invest.

Making a long term difference in a short term world; realising the potential of learning and development

In this article, David North shares his experience from 40 years in the industry of how to ensure any development activities have the maximum chance of ensuring a long term sustainable difference in behaviours.

Embedding new skills

“The great aim of education is not knowledge but action” – this is a quote from Herbert Spencer, a Nobel Prize Winner back in 1902. This may have been said over 100 years ago but bears as much relevance today as always. In order to maximise any investment in training it is crucial that the trainees get the opportunity to make use of their newly acquired skills and knowledge and take action to do things differently. How well do you think the insurance industry ensures learning is utilised to obtain maximum value? This article looks at the findings from our recent research study and highlights some key points that should be borne in mind when any company invests in training and development programmes for their staff.

Training – The Chain Of Destruction

As an industry, do companies operating in insurance maximise their return on training investment? In this article, our views are combined with other leading industry experts, to explore where we see the value of training investment being destroyed and what you can do to maximise your return.

How well does the insurance industry develop technical excellence?

What does an organisation in the insurance sector need to have in place to drive the development of technical excellence across their business? We would love to hear your views so please share a few minutes of your time to take part in our research. All participants will receive a complimentary copy of the final report.

Insurer consolidation – a challenge to the development of technical staff

The insurance industry continues to undergo consolidation and this seems unlikely to cease in the near future. Following a merger or acquisition, the new organisation faces a number of integration challenges – this article looks at some of the key technical challenges they need to consider.